Excel Shortcut Key List
New file Ctrl + N
Open Ctrl + O
Save Ctrl + S
Save as Ctrl + Shift + S
Print Ctrl + P
Print preview Ctrl + F2
Close workbook Ctrl + W
Close Excel Ctrl + Q Excel Shortcut Key List
Useful Link:-CorelDraw Course Fees, Duration, Scope, Syllabus, Admission, Institutes & Jobs in Varanasi
Working with data
Copy Ctrl + C
Cut Ctrl + X
Paste Ctrl + V
Paste special Ctrl + Alt + V
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Find Ctrl + F
Find previous Ctrl + Shift + F4
Find next Shift + F4
Find and replace Ctrl + H Excel Shortcut Key List
Important Link:-DCA Course, Fees, Duration, Scope, Syllabus, Admission, Institutes & Jobs in Varanasi
Moving within a workbook
Move right
Move left
Move up
Move down
Move right to the next full cell Ctrl + →
Move left to the next full cell Ctrl + ←
Move up to the next full cell Ctrl + ↑
Move down to the next full cell Ctrl + ↓
Move to the beginning of row Home Fn
Move to the last cell Ctrl + End Fn
Move to first cell Ctrl + Home Fn
Scroll right one screen Alt + PgDn Fn
Scroll left one screen Alt + PgUp Fn
Scroll up one screen PgUp Fn
Scroll down one screen PgDn Fn Excel Shortcut Key List
End mode End Fn
Useful Link:-Tally Prime Course Details, Fees, Duration, Scope, Syllabus, Admission, Institutes & Jobs
Selecting cells
Go to cell Ctrl + G
Select all Ctrl + A
Select row Shift + Space
Select column Ctrl + Space
Select current region Ctrl + Shift + *
Select current array Ctrl + /
Select all precedents Ctrl + Shift + {
Select direct dependents Ctrl + ]
Select all dependents Ctrl + Shift + } Excel Shortcut Key List
Select only visible cells Alt + ;
Add cell range to selection Shift + Click Shift + Click
Add one-off cells to selection Ctrl + Click
Move selection one column left Option + Tab Excel Shortcut Key List
Move selection one column right Option + Shift + Tab
Toggle selection add mode Shift + F8 Fn
Clear selection Esc
Expand selection up full-screen Shift + PgUp Fn + Shift +
Expand selection down full-screen Shift + PgDn Fn + Shift +
Expand selection to the beginning of row Shift + Home Fn + Shift +
Expand selection to first worksheet cell Ctrl + Shift + Home Fn + Control + Shift +
Expand selection to last worksheet cell Ctrl + Shift + End Fn + Control + Shift +
Toggle extend selection mode F8 Fn + F8
Select only cells with comments Ctrl + Shift + O Fn + Control + Shift + O
Select row differences Ctrl + \ Control + \
Select column differences Ctrl + Shift + | Select direct precedents Ctrl + [
Useful Link:-OM Course Fees, Duration, Scope, Syllabus, Admission, Institutes & Jobs in Varanasi
Working with active cells
Only select active cell Shift + Backspace
Show active cell Ctrl + Backspace
Move the active cell clockwise Ctrl +.
Move the active cell down and enter the Return
Move active cell up Shift + Enter
Move active cell right Tab
Move active cell left Shift + Tab
Important Link:-DFA Course Fees, Syllabus, Duration, Scope, Jobs, and Institute in Varanasi
Editing formulas
Edit active cell F2
Cancel entry Esc
Delete to end of line Ctrl + Delete
Newline within cell Alt + Enter
Excel Shortcut Key List
यदि आप Ms Excel Basic Calculator Projectको बनाना सीखना चाहते हैं तो इस लिंक पर जाए
About VedantSri

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यदि आप CorelDraw Shortcut Key List को बनाना सीखना चाहते हैं तो इस लिंक पर जाए
(Excel Shortcut Key List)
यदि आप CorelDraw Design Entry Card Project को बनाना सीखना चाहते हैं तो इस लिंक पर जाए
Important Links
यदि आप PowerPoint Shortcut Keys List को बनाना सीखना चाहते हैं तो इस लिंक पर जाए
1-VedantSri Official Website:- https://vedantsri.com
2-VedantSri Student Support Website:- https://www.vedantsri.net
3-Students Jobs Assist Website:- https://www.jobdo.in
यदि आप CorelDraw Design Simple ID-Card Project को बनाना सीखना चाहते हैं तो इस लिंक पर जाए
(Excel Shortcut Key List)
Leant in MS Excel: https://youtu.be/4Y63MuEsMO4
Learnt bill remainder in MS Excel: https://youtu.be/ViP3_65P84s
MS Excel form with database macro project: https://youtu.be/tgFn7dWGIRQ
MS Word cover page design: https://youtu.be/zbkXeGNW23U
MS Excel basic calculator basic project: https://youtu.be/ELZ9MDKU3e4
MS word 3D design project: https://youtu.be/JTgFRIMnfKU
MS Word certificate project: https://youtu.be/NyqBEU5nTxA
Important links:
VedantSri official website: https://vedantsri.com
Course store website: https://vedantsri.in
Job assist website: https://www.jobdo.in
MS Word class: https://mswordclass.com/
Corel free class: https://corelclass.com/
Free Excel class: https://msexcel.com/