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MS Word Home Menu Online Test

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MS Word Home Menu Online Test

MS Word Home Menu Online Test

MS Word Home Menu Online Test 5482

1 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key to Decrease Font Size in MS Word?

2 / 60

What is the use of Font Color in MS Word?

3 / 60

What is the use of Text High lighting Color in MS Word?

4 / 60

What is the use of Font Family in MS Word?

5 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key of Sort in MS Word?

6 / 60

Default Min and Max Font Size?

7 / 60

What is the use of Decrease Indent in MS Word?

8 / 60

How many tools are there in the Paragraph toolbox in MS Word?

9 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key of Paste in MS Word?

10 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key of the Center in MS Word?

11 / 60

What is the use of Justify in MS Word?

12 / 60

What is the use of Font Size in MS Word?

13 / 60

What is the Shortcut key of Format Painter in MS Word?

14 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key of Cut in MS Word?

15 / 60

What is the shortcut Key of Font in MS Word?

16 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key of Bold in MS Word?

17 / 60

What is the use of Show/Hide in MS Word?

18 / 60

What is the use of Underline in MS Word?

19 / 60

Alt + H + M is the Shortcut Key of ____________?

20 / 60

What is the use of Srikethrough in MS Word?

21 / 60

What is the use of Align Right in MS Word?

22 / 60

What is the use of Bold in MS Word?

23 / 60

What is the use of Copy in MS Word?

24 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key of Multilevel List in MS Word?

25 / 60

Min and Max Font Size?

26 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key of Justify in MS Word?

27 / 60

What is the use of a Multi-Level List in MS Word?

28 / 60

What is the use of Numbering in MS Word?

29 / 60

What is the use of Align left in MS Word?

30 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key for Numbering MS Word?

31 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key for Text Highlighting Color in MS Word?

32 / 60

What is the use of Subscript in MS Word?

33 / 60

What is the use of Bullets in MS Word?

34 / 60

What is the use of Increase Indent in MS Word?

35 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key of Show/Hide in MS Word?

36 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key for Font Color in MS Word?

37 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key of the Font Family in MS Word?

38 / 60

what is the use of Increase Font size in MS Word?

39 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key of Align Right in MS Word?

40 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key to Bullets in MS Word?

41 / 60

What is the ShortcutKey of Increase Font Size in MS Word?

42 / 60

What is the use of Italic in MS Word?

43 / 60

Shortcut Key to Customize Font Size?

44 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key of Clear All Formatting in MS Word?

45 / 60

Shortcut of Superscript?

46 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key of superscript in MS Word?

47 / 60

What is the use of Center in MS Word?

48 / 60

Ctrl + = is the Shortcut Key of_________?

49 / 60

Alt + H + U is the Shortcut key of________?

50 / 60

What is the use of Cut in MS Word?

51 / 60

What is the use of Decrease Font size in MS Word?

52 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key of Strikethrough in MS Word?

53 / 60

What is the use of Superscript in MS Word?

54 / 60

What is the shortcut Key of Paste in MS Word?

55 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key of Decrease Indent in MS Word?

56 / 60

Alt + H + N is the Shortcut Key of___________?

57 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key of Align left in MS Word?

58 / 60

What is the use of Sort in MS Word?

59 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key of Change Case in MS Word?

60 / 60

What is the Shortcut Key of Increase Indent in MS Word?

Your score is

The average score is 31%


1Divyansh92 %4 minutes 50 seconds55 / 60
2Siddharth Sharma92 %5 minutes 6 seconds55 / 60
3Divyansh90 %5 minutes 27 seconds54 / 60
4Siddharth Sharma88 %4 minutes 42 seconds53 / 60
5Ajay88 %5 minutes 10 seconds53 / 60
6Shivam87 %11 minutes 27 seconds52 / 60
7Siddharth Sharma85 %5 minutes 23 seconds51 / 60
8Aman85 %5 minutes 32 seconds51 / 60
9Anuj verma85 %6 minutes 3 seconds51 / 60
10Adarsh82 %6 minutes 35 seconds49 / 60
11Adarsh77 %5 minutes 46 seconds46 / 60
12Deepak75 %5 minutes 55 seconds45 / 60
13Aditya68 %5 minutes 52 seconds41 / 60
14siddharth68 %7 minutes 36 seconds41 / 60
15Siddharth67 %6 minutes 1 seconds40 / 60
16Siddharth58 %7 minutes 7 seconds35 / 60
17Gautam58 %12 minutes 40 seconds35 / 60
18Siddharth Sharma57 %6 minutes 7 seconds34 / 60
19aman kumar verma57 %11 minutes 16 seconds34 / 60
20Varghese57 %11 minutes 34 seconds34 / 60
21Abhishek53 %8 minutes 30 seconds32 / 60
22siddharth52 %10 minutes 2 seconds31 / 60
23Ankit52 %16 minutes 40 seconds31 / 60
24siddharth50 %9 minutes 48 seconds30 / 60
25aman kumar verma45 %16 minutes 7 seconds27 / 60
26Siddharth45 %16 minutes 40 seconds27 / 60
27Anuj42 %16 minutes 40 seconds25 / 60
28asasx8 %16 minutes 40 seconds5 / 60
29Guest0 %0 second0 / 0
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59VedantSri Online0 %0 second0 / 0
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615420 %16 minutes 40 seconds0 / 60

Ms Word Home Menu Tools:-

Question: Ms Word का डिफ़ॉल्ट फॉण्ट साइज़ क्या है?
Answer: 11

Question : Ms Word का मिनियम तथा मैक्सिमम फॉण्ट साइज़ क्या है?
Answer : 1 व 1638

Question : Ms Word का मिनियम तथा मैक्सिमम डिफ़ॉल्ट फॉण्ट साइज़ क्या है?
Answer: 8 व 72 (MS Word Home Menu Questions Answers)

Question : Double Under का शार्टकट क्या है?
Answer : Ctrl + Shift + D

Question : क्लियर All Formatting का क्या यूज़ है?
Answer : टेक्स्ट या मैटर पर उपलब्ध Style, Size, Effect तथा font Color को क्लियर करके डिफ़ॉल्ट में लाने के लिए

Question: डिफ़ॉल्ट तथा कस्टम क्या है?
Answer : डिफ़ॉल्ट : सिस्टम सेटिंग, कस्टम : यूजर सेटिंग

Question: Clear All Formatting में क्या क्लियर नही होता है?
Answer: टेक्स्ट बैकग्राउंड कलर

Question: Text Highlight Color तथा Shading टूल में क्या अंतर है?
Answer : Text Highlight Color द्वारा सिलेक्टेड टेक्स्ट का सिर्फ बैकग्राउंड कलर होता है, Shading : द्वारा सिलेक्टेड टेक्स्ट का पैराग्राफ का बैकग्राउंड कलर होता है (MS Word Home Menu Questions Answers)

Question : Change Case में कितने केस होते है उनके नाम क्या है?
Answer: पांच केस होते है, Sentence Case, Lower Case, Upper Case, Capitalize Each Word, Toggle Case.

Question : किसी पिक्चर को एक बुलेट के तरह पैराग्राफ में कैसे इन्सर्ट करते है?
Answer : Alt + H + U + D प्रेस करे तथा आये हुए ‘डिफाइन न्यू बुलेट’ पेज पर पिक्चर बटन पर क्लिक करके अपने कम्प्यूटर से उस पिक्चर को सेलेक्ट करे जिसका पैराग्राफ बुलेट बनाना चाहते है (MS Word Home Menu Questions Answers)

MS Word Home Menu Online Test

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